Sybase SQL Anywhere utils

what's *.rar files?: it is a RAR archive file. RAR achiver
Copyright by LDU (Dmitry Lukyanov)
DbWatch+ 7 DbWatch+ for Sybase SQL Anywhere 7.x
This is replacement for standard DbConsol (ex. DbWatch) utility ver 7.02 (command line added)
DbWatch+ Snapshot
DbWatch+ 6 DbWatch+ for Sybase SQL Anywhere 6.x
This is replacement for standard DbConsol (ex. DbWatch) utility ver 6.0
DbWatch+ Snapshot
DbWatch+ DbWatch+ for Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.x
This is replacement for standard DbWatch utility ver 1.10 (Host Names added)
DbWatch+ Snapshot
DbMonitor Remote database monitoring. Follow link to read more.
Show SQL Plan Shows plan for SqlAnywhere query. For optimizing sql queries. ver 1998/05/27
PBDK 5.0 needed
SQL batches SQL batches pack for easy creating SQL batches for reload: stored procedures, data.
1251cyr.col Collation WIN_1251 (Code Page 1251, Cyrillic) for SQL Anywhere 5.x, 6.x with Ukranian language support

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