Windows utils
what's *.rar files?: it is a RAR archive file. You can see WinRAR archiver below
My Utilites (by LDU) all freeware
data pump This program can transfer data from one database to another one. The destination db should have the same (or compatible) structure (schema) as source db. screenshot
DbMonitor Remote database monitoring. ver 1.01
  • connect to database using odbc and execute simple query that can't produce error by itself.
  • if we got an error, so connection was lost (probably database went down), monitor sends mail notification to address specified
  • if application lost connection it will try to reconnect and continue monitoring
Indent Far plugin Features (2001-06-09):
- Shift block right with TAB key by TAB size or TAB symbol
- Shift block left with Shift+TAB key
- Autoindent with TABs (currently Far supports autoindent filling with spaces)
- Processing of {} brackets for c,cpp and java files
NtPath Editor for WinNT environment multipath variables (like PATH, CLASSPATH) ver 1.2
ShutDown Useful utilite for using in batches on ATX computers (batch example including).
Lovely Windows utils
Far manager
Far Home
FAR is a text mode file and archive manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT. It supports long file names and provides a wide set of file and folder operations. Far Home
RAR Home
RAR archiver - a powerful tool which allows you to create, manage and control archive files. Currently available: RAR for DOS, OS/2, Windows (32-bit) and Unix (Linux, BSD and SCO). RAR Home

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