download: syb_exec.rar
This library created for executing sql command(s) for Sybase ASE database.
It was created because PowerBuilder does not give ability to get resultset(s)
column description after sql execution.
syb_exec.dll exports the following functions:
int sql_directory(HWND hwnd);
int sql_execute(CS_CONNECTION *connection,char * sql_command,HWND hwnd);
-- FUNCTION sql_directory --
It requests from sybase client server names that currently registered.
Use the following declaration of external function in PowerBuilder:
function long sql_directory(long hwnd) LIBRARY "syb_exec.dll"
To call this function from PowerBuilder:
- w_connect is a window that will process events to receive server names
This function returns 1 if succeed.
It sends the following messages to hwnd window:
name windows id powerbuilder id description
------------ ---------- --------------- -----------------------
ue_message WM_USER+3 pbm_custom04 info and error messages
ue_syb_dir WM_USER+4 pbm_custom05 server name
------------ ---------- --------------- -----------------------
-- EVENT ue_message --
see FUNCTION sql_execute
-- EVENT ue_syb_dir --
Occurs on next server name income.
ue_syb_dir(long wparam, long lparam)
wparam not used.
lparam a string that contains a server name.
to obtain a string value from lparam address of the string use:
if lparam<>0 then s=String(lparam,"address")
-- FUNCTION sql_execute --
It executes sql_command as CS_LANG_CMD and receives all resultsets including
output parameters and return value from stored procedure.
Use the following declaration of external function in PowerBuilder:
function long sql_execute(long DBHandle,ref string sql, long hwnd) LIBRARY "syb_exec.dll"
To call this function from PowerBuilder:
- sqlca is connected to Sybase ASE (probably it works with MS SQL).
- sql_query is a string variable that contains query to execute
- w_main ia a window that will process all events to receive resultset(s)
This function returns 1 if succeed.
It sends the following messages to hwnd window:
name windows id powerbuilder id description
------------ ---------- --------------- -----------------------
ue_resultset WM_USER+0 pbm_custom01 new resultset
ue_newrow WM_USER+1 pbm_custom02 new row
ue_setfield WM_USER+2 pbm_custom03 set field data
ue_message WM_USER+3 pbm_custom04 info and error messages
ue_sqlerror WM_USER+5 pbm_custom06 server sql error messages
------------ ---------- --------------- -----------------------
-- EVENT ue_resultset --
Occurs on a new resultset income
ue_resultset(long wparam, long lparam)
wparam resultset type
0 - resultset data
1 - procedure return
2 - procedure output parameters
lparam resultset column count
-- EVENT ue_newrow --
Occurs on new data row income (not header)
ue_newrow(long wparam, long lparam)
wparam the number of the new row
lparam not used
-- EVENT ue_setfield --
Occurs for every field of resultset or for every column name.
If this event occured before ue_newrow then it contains a column header
information in format: "int_col_width:col_name", in other case it contains
column data.
ue_setfield(long wparam, long lparam)
wparam column number
lparam string that contains column data or column header information
to obtain a string value from lparam address of the string use:
if lparam<>0 then s=String(lparam,"address")
-- EVENT ue_message --
Occurs on debug or error message income. You do not need to process a debug
message. They are just for debugging. But if the error message is income - it
means that the execution error occurs and this message - an sql server message.
ue_message(long wparam, long lparam)
wparam message type:
0 - information/debug message
1 - error message
lparam a string that contains a message.
to obtain a string value from lparam address of the string use:
if lparam<>0 then s=String(lparam,"address")
-- EVENT ue_sqlerror --
Occurs on sql error message income. It repeats the ue_message(1,msg) event but
also contains the error number in wparam.
ue_message((unsigned long)long wparam, (string)long lparam)
wparam sql server error number
lparam a string that contains a message.
to obtain a string value from lparam address of the string use:
if lparam<>0 then s=String(lparam,"address")
int __stdcall sql_execute(CS_CONNECTION *connection,char * query,HWND hwnd){ CS_RETCODE retcode; CS_COMMAND *cmd; DBG(flog = fopen("syb_exec.log","w")); DBG(fprintf(flog,"sql_execute enter\n")); if(!connection)return 0; public_hwnd=hwnd; retcode=ct_cmd_alloc(connection, &cmd); if ( retcode==CS_SUCCEED ){ install_message_callback(hwnd,cmd); retcode=_sql_execute(hwnd,cmd,query); return_message_callback(hwnd,cmd); ct_cmd_drop(cmd); }else{ ERR(hwnd,"sql_execute: ct_cmd_alloc() failed"); } DBG(fprintf(flog,"sql_execute exit\n")); DBG(fflush(flog)); DBG(fclose(flog)); return (retcode == CS_SUCCEED) ? 1 : 0; }
Freeware. Copyright by Dmitry Lukyanov