SVN for PowerBuilder 8.x, 9.x, 10.x and upper

Note: project has been moved to

How to install it?

You have to install the following software on client computer:
  1. TortoiseSVN (visual SVN interface for windows)
  2. Subversion (console SVN applications)
  3. PBSCC-Proxy last featured version

The SccProxy prompts to be installed into the same directory as TortoiseSVN .

What's new?

Any problems?

Use Issue tracking


Use PBSCC discussion group

PBSCC + TortoiseSVN Quick start reference.

How to start subversion service under windows XP

PbSccProxy in real project

Known problems:

Svn work directory:

If you are using a special version of SVN with work directory named "_svn" instead of ".svn"
then you must do the following modification of registry:

Configuration of PB:

The field User ID helps to determine current user. This value used nowhere in process except to check if object was checked out by you or by another user. So you can change this value to edit object checked out by another user.

The Project field should contain the folder where you have made "SVN Check Out" operation:

Local Root Directory is a folder of your PB workspace.

As you can see my project contains two subfolders. You must manually create all subfolders of your project in SVN (if you have some).
The Project folder must be always in status normal when you are going to work with PB.

How it works:

Today SVN supports native object locking, but this information is stored on server only and not cached in local copy.
That's why I'm emulating locking using SVN properties feature. Properties are cached in the local copy

This means that testscc.pbt is locked by the user dmluinfo2id.

To increase speed, SCC Proxy creates cache folder in the svn work directory:

Each file contains just two lines: revision number and value of lockby property.

If you have any problems:

Use google group or mail at
To enable debug logging, please spesify a full path in the registry:

All svn commands will be logged into this file.
So you can repeat them from the command shell and see where the problem appears.

Also the file "%TEMP%\pbscc.err" created during "svn update" command.
You can check it to see if you have some specific problems.

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