PowerBuilder mail2

Built on 2005/10/21 (YMD)
Now supports several attached files.
You can use the mail2.dll in any language that supports windows standard DLL calls.

download: mail2.zip

This package contains the following files:
mail2.dll This library exports three functions to send email using smpt protocol: mail2send(), mail2init(), mail2finit()
mail2.pbl Example of mail2.dll usage in PowerBuilder application
declare.txt Declaration of external functions in PB application
mail2.h Include file for C language with some explanations.
mail2.exe command line tool that use algorithm of mail2.dll to send mails through SMTP (dll not needed).

I decide to publish the sources. You can use them for free, BUT don't forget to specify my name in "credits" section of your program :)
sources: mail2src.zip
If you want to share your modifications for this code - You are welcome. Send your code to me dlukyanov@ukr.net

Last changes:
2005/10/21: M2F_SENDPLAINMESSAGE parameter added to allow to format and code message as you need.

Freeware. Copyright by Dmitry Lukyanov

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